

Client Greta
  • Branding & print
  • Web & développement
  • Marketing digital
Year 2017

A campaign global


When we met with GRETA, they wanted to establish a trade mark to support their business development.

The first task was preparing a comprehensive audit of the functioning of the various services, of the competition, of the positioning of GRETA which, although a public body, was also subject to the constraints of private funding when it came to ongoing training.

We therefore made proposals for a commercial logo, then worked on the details of the surrounding context before providing support in setting up the necessary online tools.


Tailor-made communication

Creating a logo and a brand is always a fascinating challenge, but even more so when there are strong administrative and commercial constraints.

Communication campaigns

After deciding on the brand and its context, we used these to prepare communication campaigns using brochures, posters, events...

Website and publicity

To cope with the constantly chaning training needs, we put in place a number of carefully chosen web tools, customised for our client's activities.